Friday, 30 September 2016

Textual Analysis - Step Brothers Movie Poster

This is my textual analysis of the "Step Brothers" movie poster. In this post I have gone into deep analysis of the Step Brothers movie poster. I have done this because one of my ancillary tasks is to produce a movie poster for the short film I will be making and before this analysis I had little knowledge about movie posters.  

After this post, I have learned what the purpose of a movie is and who the movie poster appeals to. Also, having previously had no knowledge of movie posters, I have gained a better understanding of why movie posters are made and what makes a good movie poster. I have learned from the Step Brothers movie poster that irony plays a huge factor of a good comedy movie posters.  

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Textual Analysis - Code 8

In this post I have produced a YouTube video in which I go into deep analysis of the short film "Code 8". I have done this because I felt that I needed to gain a better understanding of modern short films and that I needed knowledge in how a good short film is structured.

After completing this textual analysis and producing this video, I feel that I have gain a tremendous amount of knowledge and understanding of short films such as how they are structured and what makes a good short film. I am now aware that keeping the number of characters to a minimum is essential in a short film because, due to the short duration of the film, we cannot learn a lot about all of the characters which can be extremely frustrating. Also I have learned that mes en scene is crucial because the clothing that our characters wear and the location that they are in can tell us a lot about our character without taking the time to properly introduce us to our characters.