Thursday, 20 October 2016

Institutional Research

In this post I have researched independent films, how they are funded and where they are exhibited. This will teach me how I can make a decent short film with a minimal budget and what I should do with my short film after the production of my film is complete. This should hopefully get my film noticed.

Now that I have completed this post I now know a lot about independent films and I have learned a lot just by completing this post. One of the extremely useful things that I have learned from my research is how independent films get funding. I know know how I can apply for funding myself for my own projects and where the money comes from. Also i know have learned what to do with my finished film and where to exhibit it. Many independent films are exhibited in film festivals however I think that going down the route of YouTube and Vimeo will be the better method of exhibiting my short film.  

Monday, 17 October 2016

Regulation Research - YouTube & Vimeo

In this post I have researched both YouTube and Vimeo's policies because I know that most short films are now shown on websites like YouTube and Vimeo. This post will be beneficial to me because, from doing this research I will be able to find out what I can include in my short film and what I cannot include in my short film. 

After completing this post I have found out what type of content YouTube and Vimeo allow on their sites. I have learned that I do not think that I will be in the danger of breaching any of YouTube or Vimeo's policies by uploading my finished short film to either of their websites. Not only that but I have learned how far I can go with violence and gore before it gets either age restricted or removed from YouTube. This is helpful because I want to include violence in my short film however I do not want to breach any of YouTube's policies.  

Monday, 10 October 2016

Regulation Research - BBFC

In this post I have researched the the BBFC, what they aim to do, and what their ratings mean.I have done this because I know that all films have to go through the BBFC and this should help me to find out what I need to do with my short film to get the age rating that I want to make my film appeal to my target audience. 

Now that I have completed my regulation research for the BBFC I now know what I can and cannot include in my short film to get the 12 age rating that I am aiming for. I now know that, seeing as my film will be a comedy, I can use some strong language such as the F word depending on the manner in which it is used. And I will not be including any discriminating language at all. Also seeing as my short film will be targeted at predominantly males aged 12-30, I may use some sexual references as long and they are briefly and discreetly portrayed.    

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Textual Analysis - Pulp Fiction Movie Poster

This is my textual analysis of the "Pulp Fiction" movie poster. In this post I have gone into deep analysis of the Pulp Fiction movie poster. I have done this for the same reasons that I went into deep analysis of the "Step Brothers" movie poster. However I decided to do a second textual analysis of a very famous movie poster because I wanted to find out why they were so famous. I think I will benefit from this because one of my ancillary tasks is to produce a movie poster for the short film I will be making and before these analyses I had little knowledge about movie posters. 

After these posts, I have learned what the purpose of a movie is and who the movie poster appeals to. Also, having previously had no knowledge of movie posters, I have gained a better understanding of why movie posters are made and what makes a good movie poster. I have learned from the Pulp Fiction movie poster why it is so famous and that creativity can help hugely when making a good movie poster stand out.